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Oct 11th 2003

Members attending the meeting included: Richard Foerster, Jerry Schnaus, Lisle Emerson & her son Jacob, and friend Mike, Jeff Lasman,   David Kaiser,   Scott Williams, and Robert Pincus.


Members not in attendance at this meeting included   Jim Lucha, Martin Fleming, Steve Borchert, Jerry Hall, Donna Schrokosch, Dick Mathews & his grandson David,  Martin Fleming, Jim Grey, Layne Morales, Greg Rawson Daniel Malloy, Martin Huh, Alan Shoemaker, Don Evinger,  Mac Shaver, Klaus Herzog,  Isaac Sladana,  Ossil Macavinta, Michael Karshner, Dana Rodin, Todd Lyons, Dave Reisz, Gary Taylor, Ken Howels,  Hung Nguyen, Kandy Phan, Tad Peters,  Forrest Sherman,  Tom Nielsen,  Clint Byrum,  Craig Carignan, , and  Jim Vassilako.   

David Kaiser provided an impromptu demonstration of the DVD version of Knoppix and a couple of CD-ROM and USB based versions of Linux which are similar in concept to Knoppix.  One used a “keychain” type USB drive and would provide a way to bring any machine up with your diagnostic tools set provided that it has USB  port and can boot from a USB device.  David is a SA at LLUMC and has recently returned from  the AUUG 2003 Conference  - Open Standards, Open Source, Open Computing, where he was a presenter of  tutorial to show the steps needed to build the basic components of a generic Linux distribution, and how to package them to be run from CD-ROM and ramdisk.


Members discussed the possibility of setting a special mid-week meeting in January or perhaps February where David could provide a similar tutorial/presentation for interested Linux users in Southern California.   This possibility will be discussed further at our November meeting.

 The meeting was a great success, and we are looking forward to our next meeting on  November 8, 2003.